Hey everyone! It’s Carlina, the sole owner and operator of lock and key boutique. I’m so glad that you found your way to this page and that I can share our story with you.

It’s so crazy how fast things can change. Never in a million years did I think that I’d be running a business at 16 years old. The idea of starting a clothing boutique came to me during the hardest time of my life. My dad had been sick for a very long time and just received a triple organ transplant. I needed an outlet. I needed something to take my mind off of everything that was happening around me, all of which I had absolutely no control over. Enter lock and key!!

Lock and key boutique carries fashion forward clothes and accessories that possess the power of making you feel like 1 million $$. Being based in Chicago, we experience all four seasons and our inventory is catered on that. We carry both casual and dressy pieces to spice up your wardrobe. Treat yourself to an outfit that motivates you to go out and do something fun!

At lock and key, we believe in giving back. When you shop with us, you have the opportunity to add $1 to your total for charity. This money will be donated to the American Transplant Foundation to directly impact the lives of those needing a transplant and those who make transplants possible. This cause is very personal to me and I’m so grateful that lock and key boutique is giving me the platform to both spread awareness and donate to it. Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who donate! The giving doesn’t end here, however. All orders placed with us are shipped in bags made from 100% recycled materials. Please recycle or reuse them with their extra adhesive strip. These bags mean bye-bye to single-use plastic that ends up in landfills and pollutes our air! When it comes to saving our planet, even the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

You definitely have heard this before, but none of this would be possible without you. It’s true! You keep lock and key boutique growing and I am eternally thankful for it. I can’t even put into words how much this boutique means to me. It’s so cool to see my dreams being brought to life, day after day. I hope lock and key boutique spreads the same happiness that it has given me! Blessings to you.

1 Chronicles 16:34

For more information on the American Transplant Foundation ->